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What Do We Do For Contractors

In the Greater Toronto Area, our project tendering team provides more than 40 years of quoting, consultation and installation experience.

  • Quality installations provided on time.
  • We guarantee competitive pricing for all tendered projects.
  • All addendas, electronic files and change notices are recorded for each project.
  • Future tendered jobs may be forwarded  to  for immediate consideration.
  • Large digital files can be uploaded directly to our FTP (File Transfer Point) site
  • Our installation team has lifting equipment and full safety and security clearances.
  • We provide all Ontario Building Code (OBC) requirements for interior full height glazing systems.
  • Outside the Toronto area, tendered invitations are forwarded to members of Window Film Canada - our 3M certified National Dealer Network of installers and applicators.
  • Provide, consultation, pricing and installation for new and retrofit construction which require Bird Friendly Glazing in order to comply with Toronto and Markham's Green by-laws.


With over 45 years' experience in the glass film industry, the Convenience Group can help you accomplish your glass coating and window film objectives.

Contact Us

Performance Window Films

7909 Argyll Road
Edmonton, AB


Contact Us

Window Film Canada
(Head Office)

10 Butterick Road
Toronto, Ontario

Toll Free: 1-888-267-3206

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